Hi everyone! While the development of ROAG's sequel begins I wanted to let you guys know about my other game that also takes place in the "Road of a Goddess uni...
As you know. Last year we finished the game Road of a Goddess. Which takes place in a game world that I'm really fond of. Because of that, I decided that I woul...
Brisselle Brisselle is an Aztec princess and warrior that has trained in the art of the goddess. She also teaches the art of the goddess to her people. She's a...
Cheese making is a mechanic and sidequest found in Road of a Goddess The region of Las Diosas is well known to have some of the best goddess cheese in the world...
Hi everyone! This post is to inform that v1.2.2 (Final version) is already available! This version marks the end of the adventure and adds a final mission for t...
Hi everyone! As we have discussed previously Road of a Goddess has reached completion! You can get the latest version here! https://www.patreon.com/posts/road-o...